The 10th SNEC PV POWER EXPO Successfully Held

The largest PV tradeshow in the world -- SNEC 10th (2016) International Photovoltaic Power Generation Conference & Exhibition was successfully rounded off on May 26th, 2016.

SNEC2016, with the exhibiting space reaching 150,000 square meters, attracted 1618 exhibitors and over 200,000 visits from 95 countries and regions. It is especially worth mentioning about an increase of the number of visitors from many developing countries such as India, Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Vietnam, Myanmar, Brazil, Chile, Ghana, South Africa, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and etc. It is out of doubt that with the largest numbers of exhibitors and visits, richness of exhibits that covers all sections of the PV industry chain, as well as the largest coverage in PV industry, SNEC has developed to be one of the most promising and influential PV tradeshows worldwide. SNEC2016 has also become the most popular grand gathering with the largest spot trading amount and the most releases of new products and new technology among the past ten editions.

Meanwhile, SNEC PV Power Expo also becomes an important “positive energy” for a prompt development of PV industry in China and even in the world. SNEC sets up a platform for those entrepreneurs who have never been involved in energy field before to fully show their PV talents and to become new energy bigwigs enjoying their fames throughout the world. SNEC connects a bridge to make many Chinese PV entrepreneurs compete with overseas peers, and let PV or new energy made in China lightening everywhere in the world. SNEC faithfully records the puberty of Chinese PV industry when many PV entrepreneurs successfully overcome the market turbulence and difficult dilemma caused by the global financial crisis and the anti-dumping and anti-subsidy in Europe and USA. SNEC stands together with world’s PV dealers through thick and thin as well as advocating peace and opposing rat race. It also advocates, supports and renders the global PV industry into a magnificent united PV power and new energy battlefront!


On this occasion of the 10th Anniversary of SNEC, and to sincerely and deeply express gratitude to these international organizations, scientists, PV experts and PV enterprises who always support solar energy and PV industry development and always take part in and support SNEC, the Organizing Committee presented ten “Apollo” Awards via a series of celebrations: Outstanding Contributions to PV industry, Pioneer and Leader of PV Industry, Leader of PV Industrial Organization, Distinguished PV Scientist, Industrial Leader of PV Industry, Technological Leader of PV Industry, Technological Leading Company of PV Industry, SNEC 10 Years Sustainability Company, Terawatt Level PV Industry Media, Best Booth Design & Building, as well as Full Support Figures. Apollo is known as the god of the Sun. Every Apollo trophy is handmade by the colored glaze called “Sun Stone”. The fireball symbolizes the up power. The little golden man holding the fireball high indicates that our solar energy business is flourishing and prosperous. The earth trophy tells the development of green energy to protect our home, the Earth.


SNEC2016 Conference is an opportunity that you cannot miss to stay up to date on the technology and market, present your results to the community, and network with industrial experts, scholars and entrepreneurs and colleagues. Different sessions such as Keynote Speeches, Solar Leaders Dialogue, Scientific Conference, Global PV Financial Summit, Industry Workshops on Advanced PV Technologies and Global PV Market, Symposium on the Application of Graphene in PV Industry and Energy Storage Technologies, SNEC (2016) International Solar Energy and Green Building Conference and 2016 Challenge Cup of Solar Building Design and Engineering, also attract almost 1800 industrial top managers, PV scientists and industrial experts from the whole world. In every event, experts and entrepreneurs express their brilliant points of view when audience raise questions and generates a lot of wisdom sparks about new energy.


The grand success of SNEC2016 and its 10th Anniversary is definitely attributed to the striving supports of PV entrepreneurs, experts, industrial elites and media. We are very much looking forward to meeting with you at SNEC2017!



  • Approved by Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce [Ref. No. (2015)-DZ16-298], SNEC 10th (2016) International Photovoltaic Power Generation Conference & Exhibition [SNEC PV POWER EXPO] was initiated by Asian Photovoltaic Industry Association (APVIA), Chinese Renewable Energy Society (CRES), Chinese Renewable Energy Industries Association (CREIA), Shanghai Science & Technology Development and Exchange Center (SSTDEC), Shanghai Federation of Economic Organizations (SFEO), Shanghai New Energy Industry Association (SNEIA), and wasjointly organized by Global Solar Council (GSC), Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA), Japan Photovoltaic Energy Association (JPEA), Asia Pacific Photovoltaic Industry Council (APPIC), New Energy Industry Association for Asia and the Pacific (NEIAAP), China Chamber of Commerce for Import and Export of Machinery and Electronic Products (CCCME), Chinese Renewable Energy Industries Committee (CREIC), China Photovoltaic Society (CPVS), Taiwan Photovoltaic Industry Association (TPVIA), Korea Photovoltaic Industry Association (KOPIA),etc.

  • SNEC has seen totally 1,618 exhibitors, 150,000 sq. meter exhibition space and 208,151 visits this year. Photovoltaiccompanies from 90 countries and regions such as Germany, UK, France, USA, Canada, Japan, Austria, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Belgium, Spain, Singapore, Taiwan, etc. gathered in Shanghai for this grand occasion. 30% of the exhibitors were from overseas. The exhibiting products covered the whole PV industry chain, including PV production equipment, materials, cells, applications & modules, PV projects and systems.


Key Figures

  • Data on Exhibitors

    ——Number of the exhibitors: 1,618
    ——Number of countries/regions originated: 90
    ——Foreign exhibitors and representatives: 30%
    ——Total exhibition space (sqm): 150,000

    Exhibitor Profile
    A Equipment manufacturers 15.3%
    B Solar cells/modules manufacturers 26.9%
    C Components manufacturers 30.7%
    D PV raw materials producers 9.5%
    E Solar application products manufacturers 6.2%
    F PV systems integrators 11.5%
    G Others 6.0%
  • Data on Visits

    ——May 24: 89,879
    ——May 25: 83,159
    ——May 26: 35,113
    ——Total: 208,151
    ——Number of countries/regions originated: 95

    1. Visitors’ Business Title
    A Executive (President, GM, etc.) 20.3%
    B Senior management (Manager, etc.) 28.5%
    C Other management (Director, etc.) 29.7%
    D Non-management (Staff / professional) 21.5%
    2. Visitors’ Department and Responsibility
    A Purchasing 27.9%
    B Executive management 10.8%
    C Technology support 15.3%
    D Finance and industry analysis 1.8%
    E Government/public policy 4.6%
    F Marketing 8.5%
    G Environment safety and health 1.4%
    H Investment 3.7%
    I Quality guarantee and project test 3.0%
    J Project development 6.1%
    K Training 1.3%
    L Business agency and cooperation 5.5%
    M Colleges, organizations, experts and scholars 6.9%
    N Others 3.2%
    3. Purchasing Ability
    A Final decision 29.3%
    B Recommendation 39.9%
    C Planning/evaluation 24.3%
    D None 6.5%
    4. Percentage of Interest Products
    A Manufacturing equipment of silicon rods and ingots 8.6%
    B Manufacturing equipment of silicon wafers. 8.2%
    C Manufacturing equipment of cells. 15.6%
    D Manufacturing equipment of panels/modules 10.3%
    E Manufacturing equipment of thin-film panels 2.9%
    F PV materials 29.1%
    G PV cells 30.3%
    H PV modules 38.9%
    I System integrators 10.6%
    J Module installers 13.5%
    K Solar application products 7.3%
  • Previous Data

Conference Opening and Keynote Speakers

Highlights and Achievements

  • SNEC 10th Anniversary -- “Apollo” Award

    To those PV people, 2016 is a miraculous year. Someone holds that 2016 is the first year of a PV era of the Earth, while someone says it ends a PV decade in China. SNEC just celebrated her 10th Anniversary this year.


    On this occasion of the 10th Anniversary of SNEC, and to sincerely and deeply express gratitude to these international organizations, scientists, PV experts and PV enterprises who always support solar energy and PV industry development and always take part in and support SNEC, the Organizing Committee presented ten “Apollo” Awards via a series of celebrations: Outstanding Contributions to PV industry, Pioneer and Leader of PV Industry, Leader of PV Industrial Organization, Distinguished PV Scientist, Industrial Leader of PV Industry, Technological Leader of PV Industry, Technological Leading Company of PV Industry, SNEC 10 Years Sustainability Company, Terawatt Level PV Industry Media, Best Booth Design & Building, as well as Full Support Figures.


    Apollo is known as the god of the Sun. Every Apollo trophy is handmade by the colored glaze called “Sun Stone”. The fireball symbolizes the up power. The little golden man holding the fireball high indicates that our solar energy business is flourishing and prosperous. The earth trophy tells the development of green energy to protect our home, the Earth.

  • Global Solar Leaders Dialogue focuses on the PV industry and global energy transition

    The Paris Agreement sounds the fanfare for the energy transition worldwide. As one of the key elements in renewable energy, how could the PV industry maintain a sustained development and play a positive role in this transition?


    On the afternoon of May 23rd, more than 40 leading entrepreneurs, academic experts and representatives of PV industry organizations in Europe, Asia and North America gathered under one roof and held a dialogue on sustainable development of PV industry, focusing on industrial conditions, policies and development.


    All entrepreneurs discuss intensely on those topics: the impacts of the initiative of International Solar Alliance (ISA), the hosting of G20 Summit in China, the increase of interest rates in the USA as well as the upgrading of the anti-subsidy and anti-dumping survey to Chinese PV products in Europe and USA on the development, structure and product trade of PV industry, the PV power generation Feed-in-Tariff price, financing models for PV power plants, the “Internet+” concept, the PV Pioneer Plan initiated by the Chinese government, etc.

  • Asian Photovoltaic Industry Association (APVIA) 5th General Meeting of the 2nd Council Successfully Convened

    Asian Photovoltaic Industry Association (APVIA) 5th General Meeting of the 2nd Council successfully convened in the Kerry Hotel, Pudong, Shanghai on May 23rd, 2016. Mr. Edwin Khew, Secretary-General of APVIA, presided over the meeting. The representative of Mr. Gongshan Zhu, Chief Chairman of APVIA, shared Mr Zhu’s vision for the future development of the association. Also present at the meeting were representatives of Steering Committee members, including Prof. Dinghuan Shi, President of Chinese Renewable Energy Society (CRES), Mr. Steve Blume, President of Australian Solar Council (ASC), Mr. Ahmad Shadzli, President of Malaysian Photovoltaic Industry Association (MPIA), Mr. Chin Soo Mau, Vice President of MPIA, Ms Kerry Chien, Vice chairman of TPVIA Cross Strait and International Affairs Committee, etc.


    At the meeting, latest policies and market conditions in the respective countries/regions in Australia, China, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan, Hongkong were shared. The meeting attendees discussed intensely on the topics including: how to connect to the resources among National/Regional associations; how to construct an information exchange platform via Internet; APVIA’s annual meeting at the Singapore International Energy Week should be normalization, however, APVIA could also promote itself via co-organizing or supporting seminars/workshops in other regions, such as Malaysia, Philippine, Taiwan, Korea, Hongkong, etc. Additioanlly, APVIA plans to invite the Indian, Philippines, Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam, Cambodia associations to join soon.

  • Board Meeting of Global Solar Council (GSC)

    The Global Solar Council (GSC), which was officially launched on December 6th, 2015 at COP21 in Paris, called a Board Meeting during SNEC2016. GSC has been established by nearly 30 leading regional and national solar associations, including Asian Photovoltaic Industry Association (APVIA), China Photovoltaic Industry Association (CPIA), National Solar Energy Federation of India (NSEFI), Solar Energy Industry Association (SEIA), Solar Power Europe (formerly EPIA), etc. It is confirmed that Singapore, which is APVIA’s headquarter, becomes the Asian regional headquarter of GSC at the 1st Board Meeting held on 5 Dec. GSC establishes the Secretariat and legal entity in the United States and Headquarters in China.


    The board members discussed on the topics of secretariat construction, collaborations with organizations of different countries and regions, increase of GSC’s influence via different channels, the drawing up of a White Paper, etc.

  • SNEC (2016) International Solar Energy and Green Building Conference & Challenge Cup of Solar Building Design & Engineering -- promote the application of solar energy in buildings

    SNEC (2016) International Solar Energy and Green Building Conference & 2016 Challenge Cup of Solar Building Design and Engineering aims at sorting out the interrelation among PV power generation, building energy saving and building energy creating as well as the current problems and solutions in the aspects such as corresponding concept, policy, technology, technique and etc. to set up a bridge for communications and integrations between solar energy industry and building industry and to further push the application of distributed solar power generation in public and residential buildings.


    In order to make the audience with different interest points all absorbed in and to reach the most influential and effective results, the theory session of SNEC (2016) International Solar Energy and Green Building Conference started around the two themes -- “green building and city sustainable development ” & “distributed PV power generation and the challenges of solar energy building”. Besides, the practice and ideas exchange session, namely the keynote speeches on practical engineering design, were quite enlightening, benefiting many young BIPV architects. The special session of introductions and experts’ comments on some of the entries of the 2016 Challenge Cup of Solar Building Design and Engineering was not only the further extension of the conference, but also revealed the wonderful essence of the competition itself.


    SBDE2016 all together received 33 BIPV design schemes. Although there were no great works which integrate solar energy power generation fully into building energy creating, we could still find many wonderful designs with both deep understanding about solar energy utility and a gleam of intelligence about modern green building. The secretariat of SBDE2016 blended all excellent works into a large group painting, names it “The buildings embracing the Sun” and displayed it to the public, which is extremely magnificent.

  • SNEC 2016 Scientific Conference -- discuss the cutting-edge technology and development of solar energy and PV together in 8 splendid sessions

    The Scientific Conference provides an excellent platform for the world's PV experts and scientists to showcase and share the latest developments in solar energy technologies. The world's top PV scientists along with CTOs from leading PV companies join the International Scientific Committee. The Conference introduces and shares a wide scope of PV technologies, ranging from silicon feedstock, PV materials, cells, modules, systems and quality assurance to smart grid technologies.


    SNEC 2016 Scientific Conference was held on May 24th and 25th, consisting of 8 sessions, where nearly a hundred top experts shared the cutting-edge technologies and research findings with attendees via oral presentations, poster presentations, or panel discussion. The speakers not only included the scientists from the well-known universities or research institutes worldwide such as University of New South Wales (UNSW) in Australia, Fraunhofer ISE in Germany, Solar Energy Research Institute of Singapore (SERIS), Arizona State University in USA, Zhejiang University, Nankai University, Sun Yat-sen University, etc., but also gathered the CTOs and technical experts from the leading solar companies such as GCL, SCI, JinkoSolar, YINGLI, JA Solar, Sungrow, Applied Materials, Meyer Burger, 3M, DuPont, Heraeus, Dow Chemical, TUV NORD, and so on.

  • Global PV Financial Summit – Dialogue between new energy and internet financing

    The Global PV Financial Summit returns once again to tackle the topics of market development and innovative financing. This year’s event also features an important new topic: new energy and internet finance, which is not to be missed for the entrepreneurs and investors who would like to sustainably grow their business in the long-term and enter the markets in China and other Asian countries. The summit aims to tackle how the industry can merge the three elements: finance, new energy and the internet in order to generate synergies for further growth and improvement in each area. This brand-new framework will help quicken the pace for society in entering the era of “Made in China 2025”. The Financial Summit is an important knowledge platform that brings together stakeholders in the PV sector from the finance, insurance manufacturing and project development, and internet industries.


    The global financial summit consisted of 15 topic speeches presented by VDE, CSI, Bloomberg, China Merchants New Energy Group Limited, Wuxi Financial Leasing Co., Ltd., China Quality Certification Center (CQC), JA Solar, DuPont, ET Solar, GCL Group/GCL New Energy Holdings Limited, Trina Solar, Envision Energy, China Minsheng New Energy Investment Co., Ltd., Bloomberg New Energy Finance, China Triumph International Engineering Co., Ltd., Munich Re, National Center of Supervision & Inspection on Solar Photovoltaic Product Quality (CPVT), China Institute of Energy Economics, Meteocontrol, SPI, Kong Sun Holdings Limited, etc., and 4 panel discussions and a joint wrap-up session between financing and academic. We also had important guests from banks and financial institutes such as China Development Bank, The Export-Import Bank of China, China Export & Credit Insurance Corporation, Bank of China and China Merchants Bank. The speakers who make presentations and take part in discussion all share many innovative ideas, rich experience, valuable personal experiences with their open-mindedness, broad horizon and abundant knowledge, giving the attendees lots of enlightenment.

  • Symposium on the Application of Graphene in PV Industry and Energy Storage Technologies

    Studies have shown that “graphene”, as a kind of new material, has extraordinary superiority and great potential for its applications in ultra-capacitor, lithium-ion battery, solar cell, etc. With regard to new energy cells, the graphene technology has also tackled the problems of inadequate capacity and long charging time on the batteries of new energy vehicles, thus greatly promoting the development of new energy cells.


    This symposium, focused on practices from the application angle, covers the discussions on the progress of graphene technology and its process research, the application of graphene in solar and new energy and its prospect, as well as the combination of these two industries. It invited experts and scholars from Ningbo Institute of Material Technology & Engineering of CAS, Institute of Coal Chemistry of CAS, Suzhou Institute of Nano-Tech and Nano-Bionics (SINANO) of CAS, Tsinghua University, Jiangnan Graphene Research Institute, and entrepreneurs and technical professionals from Ingenious ENE-Carbon New Materials Co., Ltd., Sungrow-Samsung SDI Energy Storage Power Supply Co., Ltd., GCL System Integration(Suzhou) Institute of Science and Engineering Application, Shenzhen Jiawei Photovoltaic Lighting Co., Ltd., Ingenious ENE-Carbon New Materials Co., Ltd., Dongneng Technology Co., Ltd., etc.

  • Industry Workshop on Advanced PV Technologies -- covers all aspects of PV application technology and manufacturing

    As a traditional session of the SNEC PV Power Conference, the Industry Workshop on Advanced PV Technologies covers all the aspects of photovoltaic technology and manufacturing, including equipment/devices, materials, processes, manufacturing, integration, as well as emerging photovoltaic technologies and applications.


    The Industry Workshop on Advanced PV Technologies consists of 3 sessions, the topics of which are Balance of System and PV Plants, Solar Cells, Auxiliary Materials and Technologies Related and PV Production Technology and includes over 70 presentations. It is an opportunity that you cannot miss to stay up to date on the technology and market, present your results to the community and network with colleagues.

  • IEA -PVPS Task 1 Workshop at SNEC 2016 -- Pathway of Distributed Power in Electricity Selling Market Reform

    To promote the innovative development of distributed power generation in the reform on electricity retail, analyze on the prospect, methods and obstacles of distributed power’s involvement in the electricity retail market according with the forms and requirements of the 13th Five-Year Plan on comprehensively promoting distributed PV power generation, and discuss on the hot issues such as the business model and market


    mechanism of distributed power in electricity retail market, distribution grid/micro-grid and transmission-distribution pricing regulations, opening and supervision of electricity retail market, China Photovoltaic Society (CPVS) organized IEA -PVPS Task 1 Workshop on “Pathway of Distributed Power in Electricity Retail Market Reform” at SNEC2016, supported by China Variable-Generation Integration Group (CVIG), Asian Photovoltaic Industry Association (APIVA), International Copper Alliance (ICA), ShenZhen Solar Energy Society (SZSES).


    The workshop gathered the experts of IEA PVPS Task 1 from EU, Japan, Australia, Malaysia, etc. to share the advanced practices on the role positioning of distributed power in electricity retail market. The panel discussion invited related parties, such as power grid companies and distributed power retailing companies, to discuss on the topics on power supply service and electricity retailing qualification of managing entities of distributed power/micro-grid, the business model and pricing mechanism of direct power supply from distributed power to micro-grid users, etc.

  • The Joint Media Interview held in Media Centers

    The Media Centers, which have been set up during the past three editions, have proved themselves as excellent platforms for enterprise promotion and communication bridges between the enterprises and the media. To improve the quality of interview, SNEC Organizing Committee organized a media team consisting of hundreds of media from home and abroad as well as a Joint Media Committee with more than ten industry mainstream media, invited persons in charge of the exhibiting enterprises as guests and employed professional videographers to record throughout the interview. This event is an important domestic attempt on the combination of exhibition and media promotion, and undoubtedly can greatly improve the added-value of SNEC.


    In the interviews, we can find both traditional media such as magazines and so on, and new media represented by the Internet media, such as and Both professional media in PV industry like Darmei International Information, Photovoltaic Energy Industry Observer and mass media such as the Xinhua News Agenc

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